Tuesday, 20 March 2012

RSA// Influencial Images

I've decided to look into some old illustration styles as this is what someone suggested in my crit feedback.

'The Ningyo-do Bunko Database is a huge online collection of watercolor paintings by Kawasaki Kyosen (1877-1942). The collection consists of over 5,000 still-life images of antique toys and folk crafts from across Japan, including a few lovely octopus-themed items.'

I quite like the limited colour palette that Kyosen uses in these illustrations as it gives them a modern simplicity.

Below are some really 'pretty' (for want of a better word) illustrations from an Alice in Wonderland children's book published in 1951.  I stumbled on the images on this blog: (good for finding images, especially old adverts/pin up posters).  http://www.wolfandwillowblog.com/art-illustration/page/4/

Below are two miscellaneous images that I think will have great influence on the style of drawings I intend to do.

I like the different approach that has been taken to design the stamps below.

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